Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Primary Audience Research

I conducted some primary audience research in order to:
Find out what appeals to my Target Audience
To discover any flaws or potential improvements that could be made
To identify and gaps in the target audience and make stylistic changes to my product in order to increase profit.

Videos of suggested improvements.

My questions asked:
1) What is the first thing that draws your attention?
2) What would you change about the layout?
3) Is the font of the mast head to your liking?
4) What do you like about this Front Cover
5) Is it apparent what genre of music is presented?
6) What does this magazine do well?

1) The questions have drawn answers such as, the picture is big, the eye contact draws your attention to the main picture straight away. Also, the mast head was also a popular choice for the thing that drew your attention. 
2) From all of the people that answered my questions, they have said that they would not change the layout of any of the front covers, due to the fact that is differs from all of the other magazine covers.
3) With all of the replies from this question it is quite apparant that the people liked the mast head in this front cover, they said it stands out brilliantly and links with the main image very well.
4)With all of the replies from this question it is quite apparant that the people who answered did find the front cover to their liking, they especially liked the kerrang front cover with the band A Day To Remember on the front, the fact that the picture is reaching out to you and overlapping the title of the magazine appealed to everyone.
5) Three people said that the genre was apparent, however one person did say that they though it was a punk genre for the kerrang front cover. It was in fact a heavy metal genre with the band A Day to Remember on the cover. So the three people who did say that it is a heavy metal genre.

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