Monday, 16 April 2012

Final Cuts

Evaluation Question 7

From Prelim Task to Final Product

I have certainly advanced from the prelim task, I do believe that the main thing that I have improved on is my construction in layout. At the start of learning all of the new skills needed, I could remember how to use them fine. The difficult part as combining some of them, also working quickly with them was very hard to get to grips with. In the end I ended up making three magazine covers, so for the third one I managed to make that in under one hour. Experience with these tools eventually got stuck in. Over time I began comparing my work to proffesional work, I tried to adapt throughout the whole proccess and change to make my own work look as professional as possible. During the proccess I was looking to make my work a lot more brighter and able to stand out. I feel that I have learned how to effectively use photoshop at amatuer level, If I were told to hop on and make a brand new magazine from scratch, I'm sure that I would have little trouble in using the tools. Allignment was something that I find important for the front cover. Between the Images and text I find that I always allign the text and images and the farthest side on either side of the front cover. I found that due to the fact that I took a while getting to grips with the software and having to restart my work a couple of times did pull me back with my time management, and I do believe that I handeled it well. I certainly think again if I were to start again I would certainly manage my time a lot better.

Evaluation Question 6

I feel that I have learned how to effectively use photoshop at amatuer level, If I were told to hop on and make a brand new magazine from scratch, I'm sure that I would have little trouble in using the tools. Allignment was something that I find important for the front cover. Between the Images and text I find that I always allign the text and images and the farthest side on either side of the front cover. I found that due to the fact that I took a while getting to grips with the software and having to restart my work a couple of times did pull me back with my time management, and I do believe that I handeled it well. I certainly think again if I were to start again I would certainly manage my time a lot better.

The Hardware that I used in this creative project include:
Canon SLR Camera

Evaluation Question 5

During the creation of my product, we were instructed to be given feedback from four different people each giving their own perspective to would I could do to change and improve my final product.
For my Final product, clearly I had to make some changes from my initial design. Most of these changes cam along as I was creating the layout, this changed quite a bit from the rough cut. The where-abouts of my picture were obviously important, and on my rough cut I positioned my main image in the centre of the page, however on my final product I have changed it so it is now on the right hand side of the page. I also altered my font for every mast head on the following pages:
Cover Page
Double Page Spread
I had changed these fonts to a more filled out bold font. I took into account what people had to say about the colours in my magazine, or rather lack of them. Due to the fact that initially I had only placed the colours Black,White and Blue in their. Now I have added orange and a lighter shade of blue.
The other critism that I recieved was my picture, and the fact that It did not look proffesional enough, my image at the time was a snapshot of a local band named "No Fun" Later on in the magazine I did an article on their lead guitarist.

Evaluation Question 4

Here you will find my answer to question 4.

Evaluation Question 3 - What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Product

 The Stages that I would go through in order to successfully distribute my product to complete it would go in this order.

1. The first stage is Pre-Production, in this stage planning would begin and the final deadline would be told to all people involved in order for the product to be finished on time.
The second stage of this whole process is Production, this is where all of the people involved, e.g. the writers, would go off out and gather all of the stories to include in the final product, then they would write up their stories, also the photographers would gather up all of their images taken.
The third stage is where all of the editors will gather up everything given by all the parties involved such as the photographers and the writers, and make their last adjustments to edit this into the final product.

2. One of the main distributers of magazines is Bauer Media, I would choose them to distribute my magazine as they already have a lot of experience selling the type of genre that my magazine is. They also have a whole lot of experience in selling magazines around the world, so I predict that it would not be a hard job distributing my product as it falls under two of their target audiences.

3. Seeing as though they already sell on a similar genre like my magazine, they will know know what to do with mine in order to distribute it, they will be rather familiar with mine. I do believe that my magazine would fall under the same genre of magazines as Kerrang and Metal hammer, mine will hopefully pick up that target audience, I will have to alter some aspects in my magazine in order to avoid having my magazine exactly the same as others that I took inspiration off.

4. I would advertise my product by maybe pairing it up with other product that would relate to my target audience. Thing such as skating events like The X-Games, and maybe some metal gigs featuring A Day To Remember and Rise Against.

5. I would definitely use Web 2.0 to its fullest advantages, maybe by advertising some sell lines on Twitter or any other social media sites I could get a direct link to its website, and put a subscription feature online. I would again pair it up with skate events and metal/punk gigs by saying "I will give a free copy of this if you buy two or more tickets" I will ask Apple to help with my distribution process by placing an online article on there. These methods will defiantly get too the people who spend a lot of their time on their laptops.

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 1

Magazine Title
For this I wanted to introduce a very bold font, make the colouring a bright colour which fades into dark. I also wanted to give it a sort of gritty look.
For my model, I made him wear his hoodie, with the Airwalk name on the front. Due to my aim of reaching out to a skating scene audience, Airwalk is a popular clothing brand for skating. For the contents page I brought along 3 fellow students who share the same music taste as me and also skateboard.
Long Black hair also strengthened my decision to include these three.
Written Content
Due to the fact that I was going for the skating scene, I realised that punk music was a popular genre listened by this scene. So for my double page spread article , I decided to create an article with lead guitarist out of a local punk rock band "No Fun" Giving an inside look on all of his years in the music business. I tried to push the punk and heavy metal genre across by putting a darker side to the magaine in fonts and colours. I think the article really did help along with conveying the punk scene in the magazine.
I found that in all of the professional magazines that articles played a huge part in them. Also in the magazines like kerrang and NME, the more heavy genre of music conveyed had images almost reaching out to you.
